Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Tullamarine Factory

Apprenticed in shades of pink
But not for them
This headful of
Blood moons
And silted river beds

Little grey animals
Infested the factory
Bolder the closer they came
To the colour guns
And for a time
My only means of survival

But not for them either
That eventually I retired
Bought a chair
And fashioned while compos
Spherical objects
From moist sand
For the markets


Nora said...

you might appreciate the work of one of my good friends called michael coppelov, have a look: http://www.gsamfa.com/2008/michael_coppelov.php

nice work here.

Lunar Brogue said...

Hey Nora. You're kind. Thanks. Checked Michael's site and am very interested. Will have to return and have a proper play once my working day is ended.