Friday, April 21, 2006

Glyphs in space

Imagine a place where everyone is known by a single letter or symbol. Imagine coastal nursing homes filled to bursting with reconstructed battlers dying slowly of affluenza, all or most of them still choosing to be known as "I".

Uranus's symbol is upside down, surely, and Pluto's, fittingly enough*, looks like a pre-teen protesting about the cold. My favourite is the moon's, obviously.

This reminds me of a spirited (read sad) discussion I once had with a group of friends about the personalities, mannerisms, morals, lifestyles etc. of each letter of the English alphabet. I won't go into the details but I remember getting particularly passionate about the letter "E". This was a conniving little fellow, I argued, who was always looking for an advantage and never respected other letters simply for who they were.

Changing the subject, here is more of the devil spawn Yogi Logo warned me about. Lunar Brogue, projected onto spheres and shot into deep space. Don't know why my bedside radio caught fire this morning. Or perhaps it was all in my head.

* Just before you have your milk . . . "Since Pluto is the furthest, darkest, coldest planet, it was given the name of the god of the underworld, where the Romans thought the souls of the dead went after they died. The name also honours Percival Lowell, who was responsible for the search for the new planet. (Sadly, however, Lowell's search was unsuccessful as he suffered a rare illness called Ingemar Syndrome which prevented him from distinguishing with any consistency between planets and tennis balls.)"

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