Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Side Ways

A biography of belief

Beggars belief
Baulks belief
Blacklegs belief
Brandishes belief
Buggers belief
Butchers belief
Buries belief

How to get inside an artwork

1. Treat it like a stimulating conversation, that is mutually validating of intelligence, humour, ironically drawn bathos and a refined sense of the absurd.

2. Try and convince yourself that the creative experience is shared, that the conceptual foundations of the work, at least, support you and the work's author equally.

3. Imagine the work to be your better self, to whom you can confide lots of little lies and delusions.

4. Arse first.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tin tabernacle

"C'mon thunder"
James' call peals
Off moulded iron
Awned by night

Leafy wreaths
Gathered at his feet
Pass tiny threads of blood

Evidence, if needed,
Of weeping

The roof's return
Remains mute while
Four pads on tin
Gently find their beam

He won't get down now
Till he's heard
What he's come to learn:
A single awful clap.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thinking what you're thinking


Yes. A camp French bubble bear who swallowed the wrong Easter myth. (And who can't stop burping up cliches.)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008